Skin Cancer (Non Melanoma) Disease
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 9.9.13,
Thyroid Cancer Disease

You should go to the doctor if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, especially if these condition growth slowly month by month or event years. May be it is a mass of abnormally growing cells (Tumors Thyroid). Tumors can be either benign (cells from benign nodules do not spread to other parts of the body) or malignant (called cancer when these tumor cells gain the propensity to invade tissues and spread locally as well as to distant parts of the body).
According to the National Cancer Institute, There are about 37,000 new cases of thyroid cancer disease each year in the US. Thyroid cancer can occur in any age group, But certain factors may increase the risk such as :
- Ages between 25 to 65
- Females are more likely to have thyroid cancer
- Asian People
- Having a family history who has had thyroid cancer disease
- Received radiation treatments on the head or neck.
Causes of Thyroid Cancer :
The exact cause of thyroid cancer is not known, But there are some Predisposing factors include ; Radiation therapy and the effects of nuclear exposure, family history of thyroid cancer, prolonged thyroid stimulating hormone exposure, and chronic goiter.
Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer :
Thyroid cancer typically doesn't cause any signs or symptoms in early disease. Occasionally, people who has thyroid cancer may develop symptoms such as ;
- Hoarseness (difficulty speaking in a normal voice),
- Pain in the throat or neck,
- Swollen lymph nodes (especially in the neck),
- And Difficulty swallowing or breathing.
These symptoms are not sure signs of thyroid cancer disease, because on some people with infection thyroid or another problem also could cause these symptoms.
Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer :
Doctor may use your information like medical history, signs and symptoms to diagnose most thyroid cancers. They will do physical exam (palpation of your thyroid to feel for enlargement and lumps) and also several tests to learn the size and location of a thyroid nodule or to help determine if a lump is benign, meaning not cancerous, or malignant, meaning cancerous.
Diagnosis test for Thyroid Cancer are blood tests, and imaging (Chest x-ray, Ultrasound, Computed tomography/CT scan, and Magnetic resonance imaging/MRI) and biopsies to diagnose thyroid cancer (studying tissue samples under a microscope). Blood tests cannot diagnose thyroid cancer disease, However, tests of blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) may be used to check the overall activity of your thyroid gland for for hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Complication of Thyroid Cancer :
Patients with very advanced thyroid cancer may develop any of the following complications such as Pleural effusion, Pericardial effusion, Spinal cord compression, Bone metastasis, High Calcium level and Pain. Remember! Despite treatment, thyroid cancer can return if microscopic cancer cells spread beyond the thyroid before the thyroid removed.
Treatment of Thyroid Cancer :
Patients who has diagnosed as Thyroid Cancer, they will get treatment option depend on these category ; Age of the patient, Type of thyroid cancer, tage of the cancer, General condition, Is there any multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN 2B), new case or return cancer.

Most people with thyroid cancer undergo surgery to remove all or most of the thyroid. Lobectomy is surgery procedure where the medical team will remove only the affected side of the thyroid gland, this action mostly consider to the patient with thyroid cancer stadium/stage I.
Thyroidectomy is surgery procedure that removing all or total microscopic examination of nearby lymph nodes. But in most cases, the surgeon leaves small rims of thyroid tissue around the parathyroid glands to reduce the risk of parathyroid damage. This treatment used on thyroid cancer stadium/stage II - IV.
After thyroid cancer surgery done, the doctor will give you medication as thyroid hormone : levothyroxine (Levothroid, Synthroid, others) for life. They will suggest you to check your thyroid hormone levels every few months, in order to finds correct or proper dosage of your medicine.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 13.10.09,
Pancreatic Cancer Disease
The pancreas is a gland about six inches long in the upper abdomen (behind your stomach and in front of your spine) located beneath the stomach and adjacent to the first portion of the small intestine, called the duodenum. The pancreas has two main functions, exocrine function (make production of enzymes that help in digestion) and endocrine function (make production of the two hormones, insulin and glucagon).
Pancreatic cancer (cancer of the pancreas) is group of cells display uncontrolled growth (malignant neoplasm) found in the tissues of the pancreas, Also called exocrine cancer. Pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis even when diagnosed early. Pancreatic cancer typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detected in its early stages, which is a major reason why it's a leading cause of cancer death.

Pancreatic cancer in the United States, about 42,470 individuals are diagnosed with this condition and 35,240 die from the disease. In Europe more than 60,000 are diagnosed each year. From total of patient who diagnosed as Pancreatic cancer, Only less than 5 percent are still alive five years after diagnosis.
Pancreatic Cancer Causes and Risks Factor :
Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in your pancreas develop genetic mutations and cause of cells to grow uncontrollably and to continue living after normal cells would die.
The medical doctors (scientists) still do not know exactly what causes of Pancreatic cancer, they are learning that some things increase a person's chance of getting this disease. Some risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer include ;
- Advanced age. Particularly over 60
- Smoking. Cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco all increase pancreatic cancer risk. Cigarette smoke contains chemicals called nitrosamines as one of carcinogenic. Research shows that cigarette smokers develop cancer of the pancreas two to three times more often than nonsmokers
- Diet. Diets low in vegetables and fruits, Diets high in red meat. There is occasionally talk about coffee drinking being linked to pancreatic cancer, but this has not been confirmed in research studies.
- Alcohol. It is controversial whether alcohol consumption is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Patients with chronic pancreatitis in people who drink a lot of alcohol doesn't increase their risk as much as other types of chronic. If there is a link with alcohol and pancreatic cancer risk, it is only very slight.
- Body weight and exercise. Being overweight (Obesity) causes a small increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer. We now that one of the pancreas function is make production of hormones insulin, overweight or inactive people (little or no physical activity) can make more insulin in the body. This condition may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer
- Other medical conditions. Such as; Long-term diabetes, Chronic pancreatitis, Helicobacter pylori infection (Stomach ulcer), Gingivitis or periodontal disease, and Certain hereditary disorders.
- Cancers running in the family and genes. This is a rare condition, In 5-10% of pancreatic cancer patients have a family history of pancreatic cancer. The genes responsible for most of this clustering in families have yet to be identified.
- Statins. One study has shown a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer in men taking the anticholesterol drugs, statins.
Types of Pancreatic Cancer :
- Pancreatic cancer that forms in the pancreas ducts (adenocarcinoma). Cells that line the ducts of the pancreas help produce digestive juices. The majority of pancreatic cancers are adenocarcinomas. Sometimes these cancers are called exocrine tumors.
- Pancreatic cancer that forms in the hormone-producing cells, it's called endocrine cancer. Endocrine cancers of the pancreas are very rare.

Sign and Symptom of Pancreatic Cancer :
Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer often don't occur until the disease is advanced. On the early stage it will not present the symptoms, That is the reason why the Pancreatic cancer also called a "silent killer".
Common symptoms of pancreatic cancer when appear, they may include;
- Upper abdominal pain that may radiate to your back
- Yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice)
- Loss of appetite (anorexia), and/or nausea and vomiting
- Significant weight loss
- And Depression
Pancreatic Cancer Treatments and Drugs :
The medical team will see the condition of patient when they decide to give treatment for pancreatic cancer. There are many factors to treat of pancreatic cancer; How the cancer's type, size, and extent of the tumor as well as the patient's age and general health.
The most action to treat of pancreatic cancer are Surgery, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Targeted drug therapy, and Nutritional supplements.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 29.5.09,
Kidney Cancer Disease
Every human they have two kidneys. The kidneys are a pair of organs on either side of the spine in the lower abdomen. Each kidney is composed of about one million microscopic "filtering packets" called glomeruli. The kidneys are part of the urinary tract which made urine by removing wastes and extra water from the blood.
What is kidney cancer disease?
Kidney cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the kidneys. Kidney cancer develops most often in people over 40, but no one knows the exact causes of this disease.
The most common type of kidney cancer in adult is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), approximately 85% of all cases. This is kind of cancer that forms in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney that filter the blood and remove waste products). The Other kidney cancer disease which attack some adult is renal pelvis carcinoma (RPC). Renal pelvis carcinoma is a kidney cancer that forms in the center of the kidney where urine collects.

Kidney cancer in the children are more likely to develop a kind of kidney cancer called Wilms' tumor. Early diagnosis of kidney cancer is important.
Who's at risk to get kidney cancer disease?
- Some of research or studies have found that the risk factors to get kidney cancer are :
- Smoking: Cigarette smoking is a major risk factor to develop of many cancer. The smokers are twice as likely as nonsmokers to get kidney cancer disease. Simply we can say that, smoking can make increase of value in the kidney cancer disease.
- Obesity: The people who has fat body (obese) are also as high risk to get kidney cancer disease.
- High blood pressure: High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney cancer.
- Long-term dialysis: The patient who always getting dialysis treatment for many years are having risk factor for kidney cancer disease.
- Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome: VHL is a rare disease that runs in some families. It is caused by changes in the VHL gene. An abnormal VHL gene increases the risk of kidney cancer. It also can cause cysts or tumors in the eyes, brain, and other parts of the body. Family members of those with this syndrome can have a test to check for the abnormal VHL gene. For people with the abnormal VHL gene, doctors may suggest ways to improve the detection of kidney cancer and other diseases before symptoms develop.
- Occupation: Those people who contact with certain chemicals or substances in their workplace, They are also include in the risk of getting kidney cancer disease. Coke oven workers in the iron and steel industry are at risk. Workers exposed to asbestos or cadmium also may be at risk.
- Gender: Males are more likely than females to be diagnosed with kidney cancer disease. Each year in the United States, about 20,000 men and 12,000 women learn they have kidney cancer.
According to the National Cancer Institute, the highest incidence of kidney cancer occurs in the United States, Canada, Northern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The lowest incidence is found in Thailand, China, and the Philippines.
What is Sign and Symptom of Kidney Cancer?
Kidney cancer disease rarely causes signs or symptoms in the early stages, But in the later stages of kidney cancer disease mostly perform signs and symptoms bellow:
- Blood in the urine (appear pink, red or cola-colored)
- A lump or mass in the abdomen
- Unexplained weight loss
- Back pain just below the ribs that doesn't go away
- Loss of appetite
- Intermittent Fever
- Swelling (edema) in the legs and ankles
- Feeling very tired or having a general feeling of poor health
How to Diagnose of kidney cancer disease?
To diagnose of kidney cancer diseasse the Doctors may order the following examination :
Physical exam: Is there any fever and high blood pressure, and He/She also feels the abdomen and side for tumors.
- Urine tests: Urine is checked for blood and other signs of disease.
- Blood tests: The lab checks the blood to see how well the kidneys are working. The lab may check the level of several substances, such as creatinine. A high level of creatinine may mean the kidneys are not doing their job.
- Now days, Most of kidney cancers disease are discovered by chance when an imaging test such as computed tomography (CT) or Ultrasonography.
How to decide stage of kidney cancer disease?
- Stage I Kidney Cancer disease, the cancer is found only in the kidney.
- Stage II Kidney Cancer, the cancer has spread to the fat around the kidney, but the cancer has not spread beyond this to the capsule that contains the kidney.
- Stage III Kidney Cancer, In this stage the kidney cancer disease classified by the cancer spreading to the main blood vessel that carries clean blood from the kidney (renal vein), to the blood vessel that carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart (inferior vena cava), or to lymph nodes around the kidney.
- Stage IV Kidney Cancer, the cancer has spread to nearby organs such as the bowel or pancreas or has spread to other places in the body such as the lungs.

Treatment of kidney cancer disease :
Treatment for kidney cancer disease depends on a number of factors including the stage of the cancer, and the patient's general health and age. Bellow are options that may perform by the doctor to treat their patient who diagnose as kidney cancer disease :
- Surgery (to remove cancerous tissue)
- Chemotherapy (using drugs to destroy cancer cells)
- Radiation therapy (using high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors)
- Hormone therapy (using hormones to prevent cancer cell growth)
- Biological or Immunotherapy (using compounds produced by the body's immune system, or laboratory-produced copies of them, to destroy cancer cells)
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 16.5.09,
Gastric Cancer Disease
Gastric cancer is a malignant disease occurs in the stomach (an organ of the digestive system) which becomes a major cause of cancer death worldwide, especially in developing countries. The incidence of this form of gastric cancer is extremely high in Japan, Chile, and Iceland where the most frequent cancer are happened in men.
Gastric cancer is commonly known to be not-angiogenic, but advanced gastric cancer (AGC) is very aggressive and easy to metastasize. The risk of gastric cancer is also increased in Down syndrome. Risk of gastric cancer is not increased after partial gastrectomy. The relationship between atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer is explored. Another opinion, The association of cigarette smoking with gastric cancer is equivocal. Pernicious anemia, an autoimmune disease where the stomach does not produce stomach acid, has also been linked to gastric cancer.

There are two major variants of gastric cancer, intestinal type and a diffuse type. One type of gastric cancer is associated with infection by the Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori), Helicobacter pylori associated with a high prevalence of duodenal ulcer disease and a low prevalence of gastric cancer in a developing nation. Gastric cancer is classified by the tissue type and location in the stomach.
Diffuse-type gastric cancer (DGC) is a specific type of stomach cancer that tends to affect much of the stomach rather than staying in one area of the stomach, These is the most deadly form of gastric cancer and is frequently accompanied by peritoneal dissemination and metastasis. In the diffuse type of gastric cancer, glandular structure is often not present and cells are scattered as either solitary cells or small clusters of cells.
On the era 1940, in United State the intestinal type cancer is the most common. Rigth now, Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of gastric cancer [American Cancer Society, 2005; Rustgi, 2004]. Intestinal type was more frequent in male, This is type of gastric cancer has also been related to diet.
The initial diagnosis of gastric cancer is often delayed because up to 80% of patients do not show symptoms during early stages of the disease. Anyhow, In the early stages of gastric cancer, may the patients has complaint of the following symptoms :
- Indigestion and stomach discomfort.
- A bloated feeling after eating.
- Mild nausea.
- Loss of appetite.
- Heartburn.
For the advanced stages of gastric cancer, the following symptoms may occur :
- Blood in the stool.
- Vomiting.
- Weight loss (unexplained).
- Stomach pain.
- Jaundice (yellowing of eyes and skin).
- Ascites (build-up of fluid in the abdomen).
- Difficulty swallowing.
Certain laboratory tests can be helpful in figuring out how serious (advanced) the gastric cancer is. Advanced gastric cancer is generally refractory to chemotherapy, which leads to poor prognosis. The best test that can be done to evaluate for gastric cancer is an endoscopic examination of the stomach. Physical examination also an essential to rule out distant spread of disease.
When the diagnosis of gastric cancer is established, it is most often advanced. according to many reasearch, The prognosis for gastric cancer is poor. When gastric cancer is found early, there is a better chance of recovery. Unfortunately, many cases are not diagnosed until late stages of disease, which underscores the importance of the palliative treatment of gastric cancer.
Gastric cancer is Currently, the only known curative therapy for nonmetastatic gastric cancer is a gastrectomy performed by experienced surgeons. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can also be used to treat and relieve symptoms of the disease. If stomach cancer or gastric cancer is caught at an early stage, and the entire tumor is removed, a complete recovery is possible. For the patient who post surgery of gastric cancer, The dokter will recommended them to perform repeated endoscopic examination at least first 6 months after eradication therapy. Postoperative chemoradiation therapy may be considered for patients with stage III gastric cancer.
The role of adjuvant therapy in gastric cancer has been controversial given the lack of significant survival benefit in many randomized studies so far. Thus novel therapeutic approaches such as gene therapy promise to become the alternative choice of treatment in gastric cancer. In Europe, another drug that is being studied in the phase 3 setting is irinotecan in advanced gastric cancer.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 2.5.08,
Brain Cancer Disease
The words Brain cancer are enough to strike fear into the heart of anyone. In the United States, about 100000 cases of secondary brain cancer are diagnosed each year, At least 18000 new cases of brain cancer are diagnosed each year . The cause(s) of brain cancer are unknown at present, studies have implicated occupational, environmental, viral, and genetic factors. Compared to other cancers, the rates for leukaemia and brain cancer are relatively low in the Canadian population.
Many of research taken as action to investigate whether the risks of mortality from brain cancer are related to occupational exposure to magnetic fields. Allegations that handheld cellular phone use can cause brain cancer are based on the close proximity of the antenna (from receiver to the user's head), according to the JAMA researchers. Another news is fears that mobile phones may increase the risk of brain cancer are unfounded, according to American researchers. Elevated risks of brain cancer are suspected to be due to maternal smoking (Filippini et al 1994). The main think is we should remember that the chemicals from fertilizers are tracked into the home, where the rates of childhood leukemia, asthma, and brain cancer are higher.
There are two different forms of brain cancer which detected in the human beings, primary brain cancer and secondary secondary brain cancer. The types of primary brain cancer are classified according to the cells which they originate from. Most secondary brain cancer are inoperable. About 15 to 25 percent of all primary brain cancer are meningiomas. Both of brain tumors and brain cancer are an "underground" illness. Brain tumor is a group of benign or malignant disease occurs in the brain. The most aggressive forms of brain cancer are called high grade, lesser degrees of aggressiveness are referred to as low grade.

The common symptoms of brain cancer are headache, seizure and change in mental state, You can say that those are the big three. Beyond the physical effects of the disease, brain cancer brings psychological challenges. Symptoms of brain cancer are caused by damage to vital tissue and by pressure on the brain as the tumor grows within the limited space in the skull. During the course of the disease, many patients with advanced brain cancer may experience some level of pain. Breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and brain cancer are often misdiagnosed by family physicians or internists.
Research and treatment for brain cancer are far from adequate today. The present treatments for brain cancer are not curative. The most common treatments for brain cancer are radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Cancer chemotherapeutics for treatment of brain cancer are limited. Current treatment options for primary brain cancer are limited and often present challenges in delivering the drug to its target. Currently, only detachment of the retina and certain types of brain cancer are treated with laser beams.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 28.4.08,
Prostate Cancer
The most common type of cancer in men is Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer is unsurprisingly, cancer that begins in the prostate (a gland in the male reproductive system). Prostate Cancer occurs when cells of the prostate mutate and begin to multiply out of control and may spread or metastasis from the prostate to other parts of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes.

The most often discovered of prostate cancer is by physical examination or by screening blood tests, such as the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test. If there is suspect of prostate cancer, the next procedur is removing a piece of the prostate (biopsy) and examining it under a microscope. Others examination such as X-rays and bone scans, may be performed to determine whether prostate cancer has spread.
Prostate cancer has symptom such as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), so the patients may increase frequent need to urinate (especially at night), difficulty starting to pee, painful urination, there is blood in the urine. The Prostate cancer may also make problems for the sexual function, such as difficulty achieving erection or painful ejaculation.
Some additional symptoms from prostate cancer if already spread to the other part of body are bone pain, it's often in the vertebrae, pelvis or ribs, from cancer which has spread to these bones. Prostate cancer which spread to the spine can also compress the spinal cord, these can causing leg weakness and urinary and fecal incontinence.

1. Active Monitoring (sometimes called watchful waiting).
To the patient with suspect prostate cancer but still in early stage, the Doctor will take an action Watchful waiting to observation and regular monitoring without invasive treatment.
2. External Beam Radiotherapy.
Prostate cancer treatment by radiation is used to kill cancer cells.
3. Surgery.
A surgical procedure to remove the prostate called prostatectomy, this is a common treatment either for early stage prostate cancer, or for cancer which has failed to respond to radiation therapy.
4. Cryosurgery.
This is another method for treating prostate cancer, less invasive than radical prostatectomy. This procedure by inserting a metal rods through the skin of the perineum into the prostate.
5. Hormonal Therapy.
Hormone therapy will be the key treatment if you have been diagnosed with an advanced or metastatic prostate cancer. If you have had previous treatment by surgery or radiotherapy and the cancer has recurred your doctors may recommend hormone therapy.
6. Other treatment for patient with prostate cancer is High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), this is very rare but may become more so in future.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 2.8.07,
Vaginal Cancer
Vaginal cancer is Cancer (malignant) cells that forms in the tissues of the vagina (birth canal), it's a rare type of cancer. The vagina connects the cervix (the opening of the womb or uterus) and the vulva (the folds of skin around the opening to the vagina).
Vaginal cancer is more common in women 60 and older, young women also more likely to get it if they have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection or if their mother took diethylstilbestrol (DES) when she was pregnant. There are several types of vaginal cancer : squamous cell cancer (squamous carcinoma), adenocarcinoma, malignant melanomas, and sarcomas.
Most common type of vaginal cancer are :
- Squamous cell cancer. In these case, cancer cell begin on the epithelial lining of the vagina. Mostly it found in the women with range of 60 and 80 years old, and accounts for 85-90 percent of all vaginal cancers.
These kinds of cancers tend to occur in the upper area of the vagina near the cervix. Vaginal squamous cell carcinomas do not appear suddenly, they develop over a period of many years from precancerous changes called vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (abbreviated as VAIN).
- Adenocarcinoma. In these case, vaginal cancer usually occurs in young women who were exposed to Diethhystilbestrol while they were in their mother's womb. Especially between 1945 and 1970, Doctor was prescribed DES (diethylstilbestrol) to the pregnant women as a hormonal drug to keep them from miscarrying.
Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer are :
Bleeding or discharge not related to menstrual periods, Difficult or painful urination, Pain during intercourse, Pain in the pelvic area, Constipation, A mass that can be felt.
There are some of tests that used to diagnose vaginal cancer, The most often used tests are:
1. Pelvic examination of the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum, checking for any abnormalities such as tumors, lumps, or masses (i.e., may include colposcopy).
2. Pap test (also called Pap smear). The doctor gently scrapes the outside of the cervix and vagina and takes sample cells for testing.
3. Colposcopy (also called a colposcope). The doctor inserts an instrument with binocular magnifying lenses into the vagina and checks the vaginal walls and cervix.
4. Biopsy. This is a procedure in which tissue samples are removed from the vagina for examination under a microscope; to determine if cancer or other abnormal cells are present. The diagnosis of cancer is confirmed only by a biopsy.
Treatment for vaginal cancer most common are Surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 5.7.07,
Breast Cancer
Well, now I will let you know about breast cancer. What is normal for you? normal breast are different each others woman. Most women say their breasts feel lumpy or uneven. The fat (subcutaneous adipose tissue) that covers the lobes gives the breast its size and shape. The way your breasts look and feel can be affected by getting your period, having children, losing or gaining weight, and taking certain medications. Breasts also tend to change as you age.

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells or breast tissue, which can occur in both women and men. Worldwide, breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death (after lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer).
No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but Breast cancer the most common cause by :
Symptoms & Diagnosis :
If you discover a persistent lump in your breast or any changes in breast tissue, it is very important that you see a physician immediately. Other thing that you should See your health professional if :
- A new lump in the breast
- A lump that has changed
- change in the size or shape of the breast
- Pain in the breast or nipple that does not go away
- Skin anywhere on the breast that is flaky, red, or swollen
- A nipple that is very tender or that suddenly turns inward
- Fluid coming from the nipple when not nursing a baby

Type of Breast Cancer :

Breast Cancer Treatment :
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 17.5.07,
Important of Mesothelioma Information
Mesothelioma Information.
Mesothelioma is a kind of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos matrials, poor of mesothelioma information and less Knowledge are support to increasing this case. In this case, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs such as pleura, peritoneum and pericardium.
People who worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or have been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre it most potential to get Mesothelioma. So, they need to get more information about kind of this disease.

Mesothelioma Information really need to be explain to the patients, Many of the manufacturers of asbestos insulation products knew for decades that asbestos was hazardous, yet made a business decision not to warn people of those hazards. They may have a right of recovery against those manufacturers, which can help defray the costs of treatment and provide compensation for your pain and suffering.
The victim of Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases, for the legal implications they can contact mesothelioma or asbestos lawyer to help them and learn more information about mesothelioma case and also to get compensation money from the company where they were working through the court's route.
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posted by Cancer Disease @ 20.4.07,